System Garden

Habitat's Probe List

The tables below shows the data that is collected by the standard probes in habitat, one table per operating system. It may not be up to date, so always check with the application itself.


probe measure description
load1 1 minute load average
load5 5 minute load average
load15 15 minute load average
runque number of runnable processes
nprocs number of processes
lastproc id of last process run
mem_tot total memory (kB)
mem_used memory used (kB)
mem_free memory free (kB)
mem_shared used memory shared (kB)
mem_buf buffer memory (kB)
mem_cache cache memory (kB)
swap_tot total swap space (kB)
swap_used swap space used (kB)
swap_free swap space free (kB)
uptime seconds that the system has been up
idletime seconds that system has been idle
%user % time cpu was in user space
%nice % time cpu was at nice priority in user space
%system % time cpu spent in kernel
%idle % time cpu was idle
pagein pages paged in per second
pageout pages paged out per second
swapin pages swapped in per second
swapout pages swapped out per second
interrupts hardware interrupts per second
contextsw context switches per second
forks process forks per second
id mount or device identifier
device device name
mount mount point
fstype filesystem type
size size of filesystem or device (MBytes)
used space used on device (MBytes)
reserved reserved space in filesystem (KBytes)
%used % used on device
kread volume of data read (KB/s)
kwritten volume of data written (KB/s)
rios number of read operations per second
wios number of write operations per second
read_svc_t average read service time (ms)
write_svc_t average write service time (ms)
device device name
rx_bytes bytes received
rx_pkts packets received
rx_errs receive errors
rx_drop receive dropped packets
rx_fifo received fifo
rx_frame receive frames
rx_comp receive compressed
rx_mcast received multicast
tx_bytes bytes transmitted
tx_pkts packets transmitted
tx_errs transmit errors
tx_drop transmit dropped packets
tx_fifo transmit fifo
tx_colls transmit collisions
tx_carrier transmit carriers
tx_comp transmit compressed
uptime uptime in secs
boot time of boot in secs from epoch
suspend secs suspended
vendor vendor name
model model name
nproc number of processors
mhz processor clock speed
cache size of cache in kb
fpu floating point unit available
lastup time last alive in seconds from epoch
boot time of boot in secs from epoch
downtime secs unavailable
pid process id
ppid process id of parent
pidglead process id of process group leader
sid session id
uid real user id
pwname name of real user
euid effective user id
epwname name of effective user
gid real group id
egid effective group id
size size of process image in Kb
rss resident set size in Kb
flag process flags (system dependent)
nlwp number of lightweight processes within this process
tty controlling tty device
%cpu % of recent cpu time
%mem % of system memory
start process start time from epoc
time total cpu time for this process
childtime total cpu time for reaped child processes
nice nice level for cpu scheduling
syscall system call number (if in kernel)
pri priority (high value=high priority)
wchan wait address for sleeping process
wstat if zombie, the wait() status
cmd command/name of exec'd file
args full command string
user_t user level cpu time
sys_t sys call cpu time
otrap_t other system trap cpu time
textfault_t text page fault sleep time
datafault_t data page fault sleep time
kernelfault_t kernel page fault sleep time
lockwait_t user lock wait sleep time
osleep_t all other sleep time
waitcpu_t wait-cpu (latency) time
stop_t stopped time
minfaults minor page faults
majfaults major page faults
nswaps number of swaps
inblock input blocks
outblock output blocks
msgsnd messages sent
msgrcv messages received
sigs signals received
volctx voluntary context switches
involctx involuntary context switches
syscalls system calls
chario characters read and written
pendsig set of process pending signals
heap_vaddr virtual address of process heap
heap_size size of process heap in bytes
stack_vaddr virtual address of process stack
stack_size size of process stack in bytes

name device name
hard interrupts from hardware device
soft interrupts self induced by system
watchdog interrupts from a periodic timer
spurious interrupts for unknown reason
multisvc multiple servicing during single interrupt

name name
vname value name
value value of symbol


probe measure description
runque += num runnable procs
runocc ++ if num runnable procs > 0
swpque += num swapped procs
swpocc ++ if num swapped procs > 0
waiting += jobs waiting for I/O
freemem += freemem in pages
swap_resv += reserved swap in pages
swap_alloc += allocated swap in pages
swap_avail += unreserved swap in pages
swap_free += unallocated swap in pages
%idle time cpu was idle
%wait time cpu was idle, waiting for IO
%user time cpu was in user space
%system time cpu was in kernel space
wait_io time cpu was idle, waiting for IO
wait_swap time cpu was idle, waiting for swap
wait_pio time cpu was idle, waiting for programmed I/O
bread physical block reads
bwrite physical block writes (sync+async)
lread logical block reads
lwrite logical block writes
phread raw I/O reads
phwrite raw I/O writes
pswitch context switches
trap traps
intr device interrupts
syscall system calls
sysread read() + readv() system calls
syswrite write() + writev() system calls
sysfork forks
sysvfork vforks
sysexec execs
readch bytes read by rdwr()
writech bytes written by rdwr()
rawch terminal input characters
canch chars handled in canonical mode
outch terminal output characters
msg msg count (msgrcv()+msgsnd() calls)
sema semaphore ops count (semop() calls)
namei pathname lookups
ufsiget ufs_iget() calls
ufsdirblk directory blocks read
ufsipage inodes taken with attached pages
ufsinopage inodes taked with no attached pages
inodeovf inode table overflows
fileovf file table overflows
procovf proc table overflows
intrthread interrupts as threads (below clock)
intrblk intrs blkd/prempted/released (switch)
idlethread times idle thread scheduled
inv_swtch involuntary context switches
nthreads thread_create()s
cpumigrate cpu migrations by threads
xcalls xcalls to other cpus
mutex_adenters failed mutex enters (adaptive)
rw_rdfails rw reader failures
rw_wrfails rw writer failures
modload times loadable module loaded
modunload times loadable module unloaded
bawrite physical block writes (async)
iowait procs waiting for block I/O
pgrec page reclaims (includes pageout)
pgfrec page reclaims from free list
pgin pageins
pgpgin pages paged in
pgout pageouts
pgpgout pages paged out
swapin swapins
pgswapin pages swapped in
swapout swapouts
pgswapout pages swapped out
zfod pages zero filled on demand
dfree pages freed by daemon or auto
scan pages examined by pageout daemon
rev revolutions of the page daemon hand
hat_fault minor page faults via hat_fault()
as_fault minor page faults via as_fault()
maj_fault major page faults
cow_fault copy-on-write faults
prot_fault protection faults
softlock faults due to software locking req
kernel_asflt as_fault()s in kernel addr space
pgrrun times pager scheduled
nc_hits hits that we can really use
nc_misses cache misses
nc_enters number of enters done
nc_dblenters num of enters when already cached
nc_longenter long names tried to enter
nc_longlook long names tried to look up
nc_mvtofront entry moved to front of hash chain
nc_purges number of purges of cache
flush_ctx num of context flushes
flush_segment num of segment flushes
flush_page num of complete page flushes
flush_partial num of partial page flushes
flush_usr num of non-supervisor flushes
flush_region num of region flushes
var_buf num of I/O buffers
var_call num of callout (timeout) entries
var_proc max processes system wide
var_maxupttl max user processes system wide
var_nglobpris num of global scheduled priorities configured
var_maxsyspri max global priorities used by system class
var_clist num of clists allocated
var_maxup max number of processes per user
var_hbuf num of hash buffers to allocate
var_hmask hash mask for buffers
var_pbuf num of physical I/O buffers
var_sptmap size of sys virt space alloc map
var_maxpmem max physical memory to use in pages (if 0 use all available)
var_autoup min secs before a delayed-write buffer can be flushed
var_bufhwm high water mrk of buf cache in KB
var_xsdsegs num of XENIX shared data segs
var_xsdslots num of slots in xsdtab[] per segmt
flock_reccnt num of records currently in use
flock_rectot num of records used since boot
device device name
nread number of bytes read
nwritten number of bytes written
reads number of read operations
writes number of write operations
wait_t cumulative wait (pre-service) time
wait_len_t cumulative wait length*time product
run_t cumulative run (service) time
run_len_t cumulative run length*time product
wait_cnt wait count
run_cnt run count
uptime uptime in secs
boot time of boot in secs from epoch
suspend secs suspended
vendor vendor name
model model name
nproc number of processors
mhz processor clock speed
cache size of cache in kb
fpu floating point unit available
lastup time last alive in secs from epoch
boot time of boot in secs from epoch
downtime secs unavailable
pid process id
ppid process id of parent
pidglead process id of process group leader
sid session id
uid real user id
pwname name of real user
euid effective user id
epwname name of effective user
gid real group id
egid effective group id
size size of process image in Kb
rss resident set size in Kb
flag process flags (system dependent)
nlwp number of lightweight processes within this process
tty controlling tty device
%cpu % of recent cpu time
%mem % of system memory
start process start time from epoc
time total cpu time for this process
childtime total cpu time for reaped child processes
nice nice level for scheduling
syscall system call number (if in kernel)
pri priority (high value=high priority)
wchan wait address for sleeping process
wstat if zombie, the wait() status
cmd command/name of exec'd file
args full command string
user_t user level cpu time
sys_t sys call cpu time
otrap_t other system trap cpu time
textfault_t text page fault sleep time
datafault_t data page fault sleep time
kernelfault_t kernel page fault sleep time
lockwait_t user lock wait sleep time
osleep_t all other sleep time
waitcpu_t wait-cpu (latency) time
stop_t stopped time
minfaults minor page faults
majfaults major page faults
nswaps number of swaps
inblock input blocks
outblock output blocks
msgsnd messages sent
msgrcv messages received
sigs signals received
volctx voluntary context switches
involctx involuntary context switches
syscalls system calls
chario characters read and written
pendsig set of process pending signals
heap_vaddr virtual address of process heap
heap_size size of process heap bytes
stack_vaddr virtual address of process stack
stack_size size of process stack bytes

name device name
hard interrupt from hardware device
soft interrupt self induced by system
watchdog interrupt from periodic timer
spurious interrupt for unknown reason
multisvc multiple servicing during single interrupt

name name
vname value name
value value

kname timer name
name event name
nevents number of events
elapsed_t cumulative elapsed time
min_t shortest event duration
max_t longest event duration
start_t previous event start time
stop_t previous event stop time