The tables below shows the data that is collected by the standard probes in habitat, one table per operating system. It may not be up to date, so always check with the application itself.
probe | measure | description |
system (sys) |
load1 | 1 minute load average |
load5 | 5 minute load average | |
load15 | 15 minute load average | |
runque | number of runnable processes | |
nprocs | number of processes | |
lastproc | id of last process run | |
mem_tot | total memory (kB) | |
mem_used | memory used (kB) | |
mem_free | memory free (kB) | |
mem_shared | used memory shared (kB) | |
mem_buf | buffer memory (kB) | |
mem_cache | cache memory (kB) | |
swap_tot | total swap space (kB) | |
swap_used | swap space used (kB) | |
swap_free | swap space free (kB) | |
uptime | seconds that the system has been up | |
idletime | seconds that system has been idle | |
%user | % time cpu was in user space | |
%nice | % time cpu was at nice priority in user space | |
%system | % time cpu spent in kernel | |
%idle | % time cpu was idle | |
pagein | pages paged in per second | |
pageout | pages paged out per second | |
swapin | pages swapped in per second | |
swapout | pages swapped out per second | |
interrupts | hardware interrupts per second | |
contextsw | context switches per second | |
forks | process forks per second | |
storage (io) |
id | mount or device identifier |
device | device name | |
mount | mount point | |
fstype | filesystem type | |
size | size of filesystem or device (MBytes) | |
used | space used on device (MBytes) | |
reserved | reserved space in filesystem (KBytes) | |
%used | % used on device | |
kread | volume of data read (KB/s) | |
kwritten | volume of data written (KB/s) | |
rios | number of read operations per second | |
wios | number of write operations per second | |
read_svc_t | average read service time (ms) | |
write_svc_t | average write service time (ms) | |
network (net) |
device | device name |
rx_bytes | bytes received | |
rx_pkts | packets received | |
rx_errs | receive errors | |
rx_drop | receive dropped packets | |
rx_fifo | received fifo | |
rx_frame | receive frames | |
rx_comp | receive compressed | |
rx_mcast | received multicast | |
tx_bytes | bytes transmitted | |
tx_pkts | packets transmitted | |
tx_errs | transmit errors | |
tx_drop | transmit dropped packets | |
tx_fifo | transmit fifo | |
tx_colls | transmit collisions | |
tx_carrier | transmit carriers | |
tx_comp | transmit compressed | |
uptime (up) |
uptime | uptime in secs |
boot | time of boot in secs from epoch | |
suspend | secs suspended | |
vendor | vendor name | |
model | model name | |
nproc | number of processors | |
mhz | processor clock speed | |
cache | size of cache in kb | |
fpu | floating point unit available | |
downtime (down) |
lastup | time last alive in seconds from epoch |
boot | time of boot in secs from epoch | |
downtime | secs unavailable | |
processes (ps) |
pid | process id |
ppid | process id of parent | |
pidglead | process id of process group leader | |
sid | session id | |
uid | real user id | |
pwname | name of real user | |
euid | effective user id | |
epwname | name of effective user | |
gid | real group id | |
egid | effective group id | |
size | size of process image in Kb | |
rss | resident set size in Kb | |
flag | process flags (system dependent) | |
nlwp | number of lightweight processes within this process | |
tty | controlling tty device | |
%cpu | % of recent cpu time | |
%mem | % of system memory | |
start | process start time from epoc | |
time | total cpu time for this process | |
childtime | total cpu time for reaped child processes | |
nice | nice level for cpu scheduling | |
syscall | system call number (if in kernel) | |
pri | priority (high value=high priority) | |
wchan | wait address for sleeping process | |
wstat | if zombie, the wait() status | |
cmd | command/name of exec'd file | |
args | full command string | |
user_t | user level cpu time | |
sys_t | sys call cpu time | |
otrap_t | other system trap cpu time | |
textfault_t | text page fault sleep time | |
datafault_t | data page fault sleep time | |
kernelfault_t | kernel page fault sleep time | |
lockwait_t | user lock wait sleep time | |
osleep_t | all other sleep time | |
waitcpu_t | wait-cpu (latency) time | |
stop_t | stopped time | |
minfaults | minor page faults | |
majfaults | major page faults | |
nswaps | number of swaps | |
inblock | input blocks | |
outblock | output blocks | |
msgsnd | messages sent | |
msgrcv | messages received | |
sigs | signals received | |
volctx | voluntary context switches | |
involctx | involuntary context switches | |
syscalls | system calls | |
chario | characters read and written | |
pendsig | set of process pending signals | |
heap_vaddr | virtual address of process heap | |
heap_size | size of process heap in bytes | |
stack_vaddr | virtual address of process stack | |
stack_size | size of process stack in bytes | |
hardware interrupts (intr) |
name | device name |
hard | interrupts from hardware device | |
soft | interrupts self induced by system | |
watchdog | interrupts from a periodic timer | |
spurious | interrupts for unknown reason | |
multisvc | multiple servicing during single interrupt | |
system values (names) |
name | name |
vname | value name | |
value | value of symbol |
probe | measure | description |
system (sys) |
updates | |
runque | += num runnable procs | |
runocc | ++ if num runnable procs > 0 | |
swpque | += num swapped procs | |
swpocc | ++ if num swapped procs > 0 | |
waiting | += jobs waiting for I/O | |
freemem | += freemem in pages | |
swap_resv | += reserved swap in pages | |
swap_alloc | += allocated swap in pages | |
swap_avail | += unreserved swap in pages | |
swap_free | += unallocated swap in pages | |
%idle | time cpu was idle | |
%wait | time cpu was idle, waiting for IO | |
%user | time cpu was in user space | |
%system | time cpu was in kernel space | |
wait_io | time cpu was idle, waiting for IO | |
wait_swap | time cpu was idle, waiting for swap | |
wait_pio | time cpu was idle, waiting for programmed I/O | |
bread | physical block reads | |
bwrite | physical block writes (sync+async) | |
lread | logical block reads | |
lwrite | logical block writes | |
phread | raw I/O reads | |
phwrite | raw I/O writes | |
pswitch | context switches | |
trap | traps | |
intr | device interrupts | |
syscall | system calls | |
sysread | read() + readv() system calls | |
syswrite | write() + writev() system calls | |
sysfork | forks | |
sysvfork | vforks | |
sysexec | execs | |
readch | bytes read by rdwr() | |
writech | bytes written by rdwr() | |
rawch | terminal input characters | |
canch | chars handled in canonical mode | |
outch | terminal output characters | |
msg | msg count (msgrcv()+msgsnd() calls) | |
sema | semaphore ops count (semop() calls) | |
namei | pathname lookups | |
ufsiget | ufs_iget() calls | |
ufsdirblk | directory blocks read | |
ufsipage | inodes taken with attached pages | |
ufsinopage | inodes taked with no attached pages | |
inodeovf | inode table overflows | |
fileovf | file table overflows | |
procovf | proc table overflows | |
intrthread | interrupts as threads (below clock) | |
intrblk | intrs blkd/prempted/released (switch) | |
idlethread | times idle thread scheduled | |
inv_swtch | involuntary context switches | |
nthreads | thread_create()s | |
cpumigrate | cpu migrations by threads | |
xcalls | xcalls to other cpus | |
mutex_adenters | failed mutex enters (adaptive) | |
rw_rdfails | rw reader failures | |
rw_wrfails | rw writer failures | |
modload | times loadable module loaded | |
modunload | times loadable module unloaded | |
bawrite | physical block writes (async) | |
iowait | procs waiting for block I/O | |
pgrec | page reclaims (includes pageout) | |
pgfrec | page reclaims from free list | |
pgin | pageins | |
pgpgin | pages paged in | |
pgout | pageouts | |
pgpgout | pages paged out | |
swapin | swapins | |
pgswapin | pages swapped in | |
swapout | swapouts | |
pgswapout | pages swapped out | |
zfod | pages zero filled on demand | |
dfree | pages freed by daemon or auto | |
scan | pages examined by pageout daemon | |
rev | revolutions of the page daemon hand | |
hat_fault | minor page faults via hat_fault() | |
as_fault | minor page faults via as_fault() | |
maj_fault | major page faults | |
cow_fault | copy-on-write faults | |
prot_fault | protection faults | |
softlock | faults due to software locking req | |
kernel_asflt | as_fault()s in kernel addr space | |
pgrrun | times pager scheduled | |
nc_hits | hits that we can really use | |
nc_misses | cache misses | |
nc_enters | number of enters done | |
nc_dblenters | num of enters when already cached | |
nc_longenter | long names tried to enter | |
nc_longlook | long names tried to look up | |
nc_mvtofront | entry moved to front of hash chain | |
nc_purges | number of purges of cache | |
flush_ctx | num of context flushes | |
flush_segment | num of segment flushes | |
flush_page | num of complete page flushes | |
flush_partial | num of partial page flushes | |
flush_usr | num of non-supervisor flushes | |
flush_region | num of region flushes | |
var_buf | num of I/O buffers | |
var_call | num of callout (timeout) entries | |
var_proc | max processes system wide | |
var_maxupttl | max user processes system wide | |
var_nglobpris | num of global scheduled priorities configured | |
var_maxsyspri | max global priorities used by system class | |
var_clist | num of clists allocated | |
var_maxup | max number of processes per user | |
var_hbuf | num of hash buffers to allocate | |
var_hmask | hash mask for buffers | |
var_pbuf | num of physical I/O buffers | |
var_sptmap | size of sys virt space alloc map | |
var_maxpmem | max physical memory to use in pages (if 0 use all available) | |
var_autoup | min secs before a delayed-write buffer can be flushed | |
var_bufhwm | high water mrk of buf cache in KB | |
var_xsdsegs | num of XENIX shared data segs | |
var_xsdslots | num of slots in xsdtab[] per segmt | |
flock_reccnt | num of records currently in use | |
flock_rectot | num of records used since boot | |
storage (io) |
device | device name |
nread | number of bytes read | |
nwritten | number of bytes written | |
reads | number of read operations | |
writes | number of write operations | |
wait_t | cumulative wait (pre-service) time | |
wait_len_t | cumulative wait length*time product | |
run_t | cumulative run (service) time | |
run_len_t | cumulative run length*time product | |
wait_cnt | wait count | |
run_cnt | run count | |
uptime (up) |
uptime | uptime in secs |
boot | time of boot in secs from epoch | |
suspend | secs suspended | |
vendor | vendor name | |
model | model name | |
nproc | number of processors | |
mhz | processor clock speed | |
cache | size of cache in kb | |
fpu | floating point unit available | |
downtime (down) |
lastup | time last alive in secs from epoch |
boot | time of boot in secs from epoch | |
downtime | secs unavailable | |
processes (ps) |
pid | process id |
ppid | process id of parent | |
pidglead | process id of process group leader | |
sid | session id | |
uid | real user id | |
pwname | name of real user | |
euid | effective user id | |
epwname | name of effective user | |
gid | real group id | |
egid | effective group id | |
size | size of process image in Kb | |
rss | resident set size in Kb | |
flag | process flags (system dependent) | |
nlwp | number of lightweight processes within this process | |
tty | controlling tty device | |
%cpu | % of recent cpu time | |
%mem | % of system memory | |
start | process start time from epoc | |
time | total cpu time for this process | |
childtime | total cpu time for reaped child processes | |
nice | nice level for scheduling | |
syscall | system call number (if in kernel) | |
pri | priority (high value=high priority) | |
wchan | wait address for sleeping process | |
wstat | if zombie, the wait() status | |
cmd | command/name of exec'd file | |
args | full command string | |
user_t | user level cpu time | |
sys_t | sys call cpu time | |
otrap_t | other system trap cpu time | |
textfault_t | text page fault sleep time | |
datafault_t | data page fault sleep time | |
kernelfault_t | kernel page fault sleep time | |
lockwait_t | user lock wait sleep time | |
osleep_t | all other sleep time | |
waitcpu_t | wait-cpu (latency) time | |
stop_t | stopped time | |
minfaults | minor page faults | |
majfaults | major page faults | |
nswaps | number of swaps | |
inblock | input blocks | |
outblock | output blocks | |
msgsnd | messages sent | |
msgrcv | messages received | |
sigs | signals received | |
volctx | voluntary context switches | |
involctx | involuntary context switches | |
syscalls | system calls | |
chario | characters read and written | |
pendsig | set of process pending signals | |
heap_vaddr | virtual address of process heap | |
heap_size | size of process heap bytes | |
stack_vaddr | virtual address of process stack | |
stack_size | size of process stack bytes | |
hardware interrupts (intr) |
name | device name |
hard | interrupt from hardware device | |
soft | interrupt self induced by system | |
watchdog | interrupt from periodic timer | |
spurious | interrupt for unknown reason | |
multisvc | multiple servicing during single interrupt | |
system values (names) |
name | name |
vname | value name | |
value | value | |
event timers (timer) |
kname | timer name |
name | event name | |
nevents | number of events | |
elapsed_t | cumulative elapsed time | |
min_t | shortest event duration | |
max_t | longest event duration | |
start_t | previous event start time | |
stop_t | previous event stop time |