System Garden

Habitat 2.0 Alpha User Manual


  1. Introduction
  2. Data Sources
  3. Displaying Data
  4. Customisation and Preferences
  5. The Collection Agent: Clockwork
  6. Command Line Utilities
  7. Data Formats
  8. Upload, Download and Replication
    with System Garden

Manual Pages



habrs - command line interface to Ringstore storage  


habrs [-c <purl>] [-C <cfcmd>] [-e <fmt>] [-dDhv] [file [ring [dur]]]  


A Ringstore is a type of storage system designed to hold Fat Headed Arrays (FHA) in time series. It is the primary method of storing data locally on a machine in Habitat.

The command can be run with optional file, ring and dur arguments for names of the Ringstore file, the time series ring and its duration. Alternatively, these can be specified with the commands 'file', 'ring' and 'duration' once habrs has started.

The prompt will contain the current file and ring name with duration.  


-c <purl>
Append user configuration data from the route <purl>, rather than the default file ~/.habrc.
-C <cfcmd>
Append a list of configuration directives from <cfcmd>, separated by semicolons.
Place ghabitat in diagnositc mode, giving an additional level of logging and sending the text to stderr rather than the default or configured destinations. In daemon mode, will send output to the controlling terminal.
Place ghabitat in debug mode. As -d above but generating a great deal more information, designed to be used in conjunction with the source code. Also overrides normal outputs and will send the text to stderr. In daemon mode, will send output to the controlling terminal.
-e <fmt>
Change the logging output to one of eight preset alternative formats, some showing additional information. <fmt> must be 0-7. See LOGGING below.
Print a help message to stdout and exit
Print the version to stdout and exit


The following commands are accepted:-

! <cmd> sh <cmd>
Run <cmd> in a shell (see chsh(1) for your shell choice)
? [<cmd>] help [<cmd>]
Without <cmd>, print a tabular list of commands. Otherwise print an explanation and usage of <cmd>
bye exit e quit q
All of the above commands will exit habrs
Closes the currently open file and ring
create <file> <perm> <ring> <lname> <desc> <nslots> <dur>
Create a new time series ring, where
<file> name of holstore file to contain the ring
<perm> file permissions (eg 0644)
<ring> name of ringstore ring
<lname> long name of ring
<desc> text description of ring
<nslots> number of slots in ring, 0 for unlimitied
<dur> secs duration of each sample, 0 for irregular
duration <dur> dur <dur>
Open the ring using the previously specified ring name in the currently open file. The duration should be a positive integer, which represents the length in seconds of each sample. Alternatively, it may be 0 to represent an irregular interval.
Print the current Ringstore file size
Get the next table in the time series. You should have an open file and ring
Get all the tables in the series and print as a single table with the following columns:-
_seq sequence number
_time time
_dur duration
goto <seq> jumpto <seq>
Goto a specific sequence number <seq> in the time series. The next call to get will print that table
jump <nseq>
If <nseq> is positive, move forward <nseq> places in the time series. If negative, move backwards.
ls lsrings
List the rings available in the current file
mget <nseq>
Return data from the next <nseq> sequences and advance to the next unread sequence. The data is printed as a single table with the following columns.
_seq sequence number
_time time
_dur duration
open <file> [<ring> [ <password> ] ]
Open a Ringstore file and optionally a time sries ring. If <ring> is not specified, then it can be specified with 'ring' afterwards (also see lsring). <password> is not currently supported.
purge <nseq>
Remove the oldest <nseq> sequences from the time series. If more are removed that are present in the current ring, then this effectively empties the ring
Appends a new table to the end of the time series, which will be read from stdin (the keyboard or input pipe). Does not alter the current sequence to next read.
Prints the amount of space free in the filesystem that houses the currently open Ringstore file.
Change the number of sequence slots in the current time series ring
ring <rname>
Change the current time series ring to be <rname>. This will close any previously open ring but will not affect the current file. <rname> must exist in the current file.
Remove the current ring. You will be prompted to confirm the action to prevent accidental eraseure.
rs <info>
Show the underlying ringstore structure in the form of tables. The secondary argument is needed to show the table as follows:-
s | superblock superblock
r | rings ring directory
h | headers header hash table
i | index record index
Print statisticas about the current file and ring


Locations alter depending on how the application is installed.

For the habitat configuration
$HAB/etc/habitat.conf or /etc/habitat.conf
For the help information
$HAB/lib/help/ or /usr/lib/habitat/help/


User's home directory


Nigel Stuckey <[email protected]>  


clockwork(8), killclock(8), statclock(8), habedit(8), habrep(8), habconf(5), myhabitat(1), habget(1), habput(1), habprobe(1), habmeth(1)

